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Latest News: Global Green Energy Transport and Technology Leaders Index

Only One Development Bank Vowing to Halt Funds for Fossil Fuels
COP28: Over 110 Nations Join Deal to Triple Renewable Energy
US Pledges $3 Billion for Green Climate Fund at COP28
Microsoft Dismisses Dangerous AI Worry, Says Tech Decades Away
China Lithium Prices to Tank in 2024 Amid Global Supply Surge
US Treasury Seen Limiting Chinese Role in EV Market – WSJ
China Seen Installing 230 GW of Solar & Wind Power in 2023 – PV
Huawei’s State-Backed Smart Car Firm Set For $35bn Valuation
COP28: Cities Give A Glimpse of Changes Sweeping the World
Cities Lead COP28 Climate Change Push as Nations Fail to Deliver
‘Model 2’ Expected to be One of First Tesla EVs Sold in India
Australia’s Clean Energy Plan Delays $10.6bn Origin Takeover Bid

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