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Latest News: World

Huawei Phone Sales Soar In China, Apple Not Even in The Top 5
US-China Tensions See Tech Firms Offer More For TSMC Chips
China Power Consumption Soars With Tech, EV Growth – C/Daily
Chinese Firms Trying to Cut Indonesian Nickel Smelter Stakes
Typhoon Pounds China’s Fujian After Lashing Taiwan, Manila
China to Use Bonds to Pay For Consumer Trade-in Scheme
China, India Ask Rich Nations For ‘Trillions’ in Climate Finance
Thai Task Force to Help Stop Arms Funding For Myanmar Military
World’s Wealthiest 1% Added $42tn to Fortunes Since 2014 – F24
Indonesia Offers ‘Golden Visa’ to Draw Foreign Investors, Lift Economy
China’s Central Bank in Surprise MLF Loan at Low Rate
BYD Sales Boom in Southeast Asia While Tesla Growth Slows

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