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China’s Local Governments Sell Assets To Raise Cash – Caixin

Local governments are selling off idle properties and mining rights as the country’s faltering economy puts pressure on fiscal revenue, Caixin Global reported

Officials in some Chinese cities limited access to escrow funds when the economy slowed in the second quarter, sources say.
A $41-billion plan to buy unsold homes from developers has had a cautious response from developers, who say even if they are able to profit from selling completed apartments to the SOEs, local governments may require proceeds be used to finish existing projects rather than to repay debt. Reuters file photo.


China’s local governments are selling off idle properties and mining rights to raise funds as the country’s faltering economy puts pressure on its fiscal revenues, Caixin Global reported.

General public revenue was down 9.2% in the first seven months of this year to $1.8 trillion, said the report, whilst tax revenue, excluding rebates, declined 13.8%.

Read the full report: Caixin Global


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Alfie Habershon

Alfie is a Reporter at Asia Financial. He previously lived in Mumbai reporting on India's economy and healthcare for data journalism initiative IndiaSpend, as well as having worked for London based Tortoise Media.


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