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Latest News: Market Insights

Generative AI Hallucinations Slow Down Industry Rollout
China Shifting to ‘Green’ Steel Production as EU Levy Looms
Taiwan’s TSMC Joins Trillion Dollar Club Amid AI Frenzy
A European Push Could Help India Fill Carbon Removal Gaps
AI is ‘Effectively Useless,’ Veteran Analyst Warns – Fortune
China to Examine European Union’s Trade ‘Barriers’
China Checking ‘Big Four’ Auditors’ Work After Evergrande Fiasco
China Consumer Inflation, Producer Prices Hit by Weak Demand
India Plans 12 Power Plants Near Disputed Northeastern Frontier
Russian Mining Giant Nornickel, China Copper ‘in Smelter Talks’
Taiwan’s Exports Jump in June Thanks to AI Chip Demand
China Visitor Numbers Double After Visa Rules Lifted – SCMP

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