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Latest News: Market Insights

99% of Players in AI ‘Bubble’ Will go Bust: Baidu CEO – Register
Trump Says He’ll Hit China With Big Tariffs if it Takes Taiwan
Cyberattack on The World’s Largest Internet Archive – WaPo
Attack on China’s Consulate in Myanmar After New Jets Supplied
China Reduces Key Lending Rates in Bid to Rev up Economy
Trudeau Chides India’s ‘Horrific Mistake’ as Ties Worsen – Guardian
China’s Third Quarter Growth is Weakest Since Early 2023
Toyota Displays Hydrogen Fuel Cartridges for EVs, Homes
China Ramps up Spending on Housing Projects to $562bn
TSMC’s Upbeat Outlook Could Spur Return to Trillion-Dollar Cap
‘Error’ Sees ASML Lose Crown as Europe’s Most Valued Tech Firm
McKinsey Cuts 500 Jobs Amid Revamp of China Business – WSJ

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