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Latest News: ETFs

China ETFs Rake in Highest Ever Annual Inflows
China Bans CCP Officials From Private Equity Investments – FT
Some Asian Markets Bounce Back, But Global Outlook Weighs
Chinese Investors Ploughing Into Foreign Assets Via ETFs, QDII Scheme
Foreign Investors ‘Won’t Return Till China Starts Spending Again’
US Set to Outline Ban on Sensitive Tech Investment in China
US Seen Clamping Down on Investment in China Funds
China, Saudi Seen in Talks for ETF Cross-Listings to Boost Ties
China Regulators Deregister Over 2,000 Private Funds This Year
US And EU Investors Avoid China, Opting for Emerging Markets
UBS Dumps New China Fund Plan, to Focus on Credit Suisse JV
Big Funds Eye Tokyo Amid Negative Sentiment on China Stocks

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AF China Bond