Mining giant BHP said profits fell 4% in the year ending in June, as the Anglo-Australian firm signalled a transition away from the intensely polluting...
Wind and solar produced a record 10% of global electricity in the first half of 2020 as the world’s coal plant fleet ran at less than half...
LONDON: An investor group managing more than $16 trillion launched the world’s first step-by-step plan on Wednesday to...
China built more than half of the world's new coal power plants this year and it accounts for 90% of new planned capacity, a study showed on Monday
(ATF) China traditionally breaks the annual solar cycle into 24 periods. Usually uncannily correct, this year climate...
(ATF) In the last few years, the conversation on ESG – environmental, social and corporate governance – among...
Over the past five weeks many parts of China have experienced severe flooding; 24 provinces have suffered extreme events that left at least 20 million homeless and damage put at $7-14 billion.
India on Thursday opened up coal mining to the private sector half a century after bringing it under state control, in a bid to boost the coronavirus-hit economy
Under Trump the US has pulled out of the Paris climate accord and slashed environmental regulations, but on Earth Day it said that China was undermining global efforts to cut emissions
China and other nations could be burdened with costly and environmentally damaging coal power for decades if they forge ahead...
(ATF) – China Taiyuan Coal Trading Center, a unit of the Coal Transportation and Sales Corporation of Datong...
Mentougou is home to Beijing's last coal mine, which is slated to close later in this year (2020) as the city battles chocking smog