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China Seeds Clouds as it Battles Heatwave, Drought – CNN

China is shooting rods of silver iodide into the clouds in an attempt to induce rainfall in its Yangtze River basin area following the worst heatwave since 1961.


China is shooting rods of silver iodide into the clouds in an attempt to induce rainfall in its Yangtze River basin area following the worst heatwave since 1961, CNN reported.

Planes are shooting the silver iodide rods into clouds to help them form ice crystals, the report said. That increases the moisture content and weight of the clouds, making rain more likely, the story added.  The intervention is vital for securing drinking water and for growing crops, the Ministry of Water Resources said, according to the story.

Full story: CNN



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China Cities Issue Red Alerts as Heatwave Scorches Nation

China Shuts Factories in Sichuan Amid Worst Heatwave Since 1961

China Race to Protect Crops Amid Fear Drought May Last Weeks

Alfie Habershon

Alfie is a Reporter at Asia Financial. He previously lived in Mumbai reporting on India's economy and healthcare for data journalism initiative IndiaSpend, as well as having worked for London based Tortoise Media.


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