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China’s PBOC Backs Mortgage Rate Cuts to Lift Property Sector

China’s central bank published a statement on its website on Thursday allowing local governments to cut mortgage rates for first-time home buyers in some cities.

Man rides a bicycle next to a construction site near residential buildings in Beijing
Man rides a bike next to a building site in Beijing. China's long running real estate crisis has left many cities severely short of revenue. Photo: Reuters.


China’s central bank has moved to bolster the property sector by allowing local governments to cut mortgage rates for first-time home buyers in some cities.

The move, announced on Thursday on the People’s Bank of China website, aims to support property prices and revive the real estate sector from a crisis that has intensified significantly in recent months.

Localities will be allowed to decide whether to maintain, lower or scrap the floor for new buyers by the end of 2022, the PBOC said in its statement.

China is reduce the massive weight dragging down the world’s second-largest economy, as homebuyers refuse to make mortgage payments on hundreds of unfinished buildings and developers’ financial strains undermine confidence in the sector.

In May, the central bank lowered the floor of mortgage rates for first-time home buyers to 20 basis points below the loan prime rate (LPR) with similar maturity. The five-year LPR, the benchmark reference rate for mortgages, stands at 4.30%.

ALSO SEE: China’s PBOC Calls on State Banks to Defend the Yuan

Home Prices Dropping in Many Cities

For cities where the selling price of new commercial residential housing fell month-on-month and year-on-year between June and August 2022, the lower mortgage rate limit would be relaxed, the central bank said.

“The introduction of such policies and measures is conducive to supporting governments in cities to make full use of the policy toolbox to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market,” the PBOC said.

Banks and customers may negotiate to determine the specific interest rate of new housing loans to help reduce borrowers’ debt burden and better support housing demand, the central bank added.

Of the 70 cities surveyed by China’s statistics bureau, 23 saw new home prices post consecutive declines in monthly and annual terms between June and August.

Eight were second-tier cities, including Tianjin and Wuhan. The remaining 15 were third and fourth-tier cities, such as Dali in the country’s southwest and Guilin in the south.

Although overall demand remained bleak, more than 200 mainly small cities have taken steps to prop up the distressed property sector after a bank deleveraging campaign that began in mid-2020 triggered bonds defaults by developers and a sales slump.

Shares in Chinese developers on Friday edged up against a weak broader market, with an index measuring mainland-listed property firms up 0.6% at 0225 GMT, while the benchmark index lost 0.7%.

Analysts said the mortgage rate floor relaxation was positive for sentiment, but more stimulus measures were needed.

“We may see more local governments ease their local housing policies in coming months but a significant property sector recovery should require more policy effort and time,” Goldman Sachs analysts said in a research note.


  • Reuters with additional editing by Jim Pollard



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Jim Pollard

Jim Pollard is an Australian journalist based in Thailand since 1999. He worked for News Ltd papers in Sydney, Perth, London and Melbourne before travelling through SE Asia in the late 90s. He was a senior editor at The Nation for 17+ years.


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