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Latest News: Mining

Think-tank blasts HSBC over coal investments
Renewables Gain Global Momentum, But Coal in Asia is Key Concern
Pandemic and Weather Help Coal Reassert Dominance in India
Reliance and Chart team up to lead India’s hydrogen charge
Rare Earth Market Watches as Greenland Votes Against Mining
Rare Earth Prices to Go Through The Roof as China Tightens Supply
China Hits Aussie Exports, But There’s One Commodity They Won’t Touch
China Rapidly Expands Baotou Rare Earth High-Tech Zone
Chinese Anger at US Rare Earths Order
New Coal Projects in China Make Up 90% of Global Total
Beijing Tightens Reins on Global Rare Earth Supply
G20 Finance Projects Give $77bn a Year to Fossil Fuels

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AF China Bond