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Latest News: Health

Canada Bans Malaysian PPE over Forced Labour Claim
Covid-Hit Malaysians Urged Towards Franchises: Bernama
Vietnam’s Workers Resist Return to Factories: NYT
Xi and Biden to Hold Virtual Meeting Before APEC Addresses
Covid-19 Closes Schools, Venues in China’s Dalian
Malaysia Expects Rebound After GDP Contraction
Corporate Australia Watches, Waits on Boosters: The Age
Takeda CEO Sees Workforce Shifting: Nikkei Asia
UK Greenlights Chinese Covid-19 Jabs: Xinhua
China’s Higher ‘Pain Threshold’ Sees Q4 Growth at 3%
Hong Kong Could Reopen to China by February, Says Lam
Beijing Closes Roads, Playgrounds Amid Smog After Coal Spike

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