Industrial materials firm Syrah plans to add 180,000 square feet of real estate to its existing 50,000 square-foot Louisiana facility
Half-year 2021 earnings at Fortescue may fall by roughly a third, while six-month profit growth at Rio Tinto and BHP may be knocked down
A reduction in the tax will widen the gap between crude palm oil and refined palm oil import duties, effectively making it cheaper for refiners to import crude palm oil
The nation has been seeking to improve oversight of rich resources and President Joko Widodo last month revoked permits of over 2,000 companies due to poor compliance
A survey of 102 Australian healthcare, clothing, horticulture, and seafood companies found they are failing to identify or disclose obvious modern slavery risks
Baise produces about 2.2 million tonnes a year, more than 80% of output in Guangxi, the country's main alumina-exporting region
The steel sector — the country’s second-largest industrial carbon emitter — will now have until 2030 to reach a peak of those emissions
Country's biggest oil and gas explorer is reviewing its asset portfolio amid the global trend towards decarbonisation, it said in January
The National Development and Reform Commission says regulators would study effective measures to ensure market stability amid fast rising prices
The metal used in everything from aircraft to cans rose as much as 3.3% to a 13-year high of $3,236 a tonne on Tuesday. It later eased to $3,187.
The acquisition is expected to provide long-term, predictable cash flows to Keppel through investing into a strong and growing business
The new deal, which excludes aluminium and will take effect on April 1, requires Tokyo to help fight global excess steel manufacturing capacity