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Latest News: World

China Curbs Mean Permanent Loss of Opportunities for US: Nvidia
China’s Shift to Renewable Energy Roaring Ahead – Guardian
US Says India Could Join Navy Patrols in South China Sea
US, China to Boost Number of Flights Between Their Countries
India Preparing Multi-Billion-Dollar Battery Subsidies – FT
Australia Urged to Ban Online Gambling Ads to ‘End Social Havoc’
Chipmakers Shares Drop on Report of New US Chip Bans to China
Tesla to See Record Quarter for China Sales, But Market Share Cut
China Ratifies WTO Agreement to Cut Fishery Subsidies, But…
India’s Current Account Deficit Narrows as Trade Improves
How Samsung Exec ‘Stole $200m Chip Secrets’ for Foxconn China Fab
Chinese State Banks Selling Dollars to Slow Currency’s Decline

AF China Bond