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Latest News: Space

China to Advance Plan for Space Solar Power Plant – SCMP
Musk Plan for a Million on Mars by 2050 a Delusion – Gizmodo
China to Tap Russian Expertise for Space Station – Nikkei
China Space Station Crew Set for Launch
Sony Sets Up Satellite Arm for Laser Space Communications
Geely Launches Satellites for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation
Falling China Rocket to Blame for ‘Meteor Shower’ – ABC
US Looks to Deepen Space Links With Japan, South Korea
China May ‘Need to Destroy’ Musk’s Starlink – SCMP
SpaceX Launches 53 Starlink Satellites Into Orbit – Space
Japan, US Working on Moon Landing Project – Kyodo
Elon Musk Looks to Buy Miner, Would Die Happy on Mars – FT

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