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China Plan to Train 45,000 Firms in Hacker Protection Measures

Two-year plan will focus on protective measures and include drills simulating ransomware attacks, for 45,000+ companies in China’s industrial sector and top firms in each province

Cyber security has been a greater priority for many countries in recent years given the jump in cyber attacks and ransomware efforts by rogue groups such as Lockbit and countries such as North Korea but Jakarta has been surprisingly slow to get its act together. (Reuters image).


China announced a plan on Monday to limit “major risks” and bolster data security for tens of thousands of companies in its industrial sector.

The Ministry of industry and information technology (MIIT)’s two-year plan comes at a time when China and the United States frequently accuse each other of cyberattacks and industrial espionage.

It follows unprecedented revelations last week about hacking by a private firm in Shanghai on behalf of state entities after a trove of documents was posted on GitHub.


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Last year Reuters reported that Chinese government entities and state-owned enterprises were accelerating efforts to replace Western-made hardware and software with domestic alternatives, partly due to fears of hacking from foreign adversaries.



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Country to train data security ‘talents’

“In response to frequent risk scenarios such as ransomware attacks, vulnerability backdoors, illegal operations by personnel, and uncontrolled remote operation and maintenance, we will strengthen risk self-examination and self-correction, and adopt precise management and protective measures,” according to the plan, published on MIIT’s website.

Protective measures, including emergency drills simulating ransomware attacks, must be applied to over 45,000 companies in China’s industrial sector by the end of 2026, covering at least the top 10% in terms of revenue in every Chinese province.

The plan also aims to complete 30,000 data security training sessions and cultivate 5,000 data security “talents” within the same timeframe.

China has in the past three years tightened regulation over how its companies store and transfer user data, citing national security concerns.

Regulators fined Chinese ride-hailing giant Didi $1.2 billion in July 2022 over data-security breaches.

The Ministry of State Security warned in December that foreign geographic information software was being used to collect sensitive data in key sectors including its military.

In the same month, MIIT proposed a four-tier classification system to help it respond to data security incidents.


  • Reuters with additional editing by Jim Pollard




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Jim Pollard

Jim Pollard is an Australian journalist based in Thailand since 1999. He worked for News Ltd papers in Sydney, Perth, London and Melbourne before travelling through SE Asia in the late 90s. He was a senior editor at The Nation for 17+ years.


AF China Bond