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Latest News: Health

Australia Calls for China End to Trade Curbs as Barley Tariffs Lifted
China Sees the Dawn of a New Era of Slower Growth
World’s Oceans Changing Colour, Study Finds – Guardian
China’s Xi Warned Putin Against Using Nukes in Ukraine – FT
Moderna Signs Big Deal to Develop mRNA Vaccines in Shanghai
US and India Sign Deals on Chips, Tech, Space and Defence
Biden Plays Down Impact of Calling China’s Xi a ‘Dictator’
EU to Discuss Ideas on Guarding Top Tech From China, Russia
AstraZeneca Planning to Spin Off China Business – FT
China Fails to Release Covid-19 Crematoria Data – CNN
Firms Backing China’s PLA Pilots, Missiles Hit in US Crackdown
China’s Exports Sink by 7.5% in May Amid Global Slowdown

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