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Latest News: India

Apple’s India Boost as New Delhi Cuts Tech Import Duties
India to Spend Billions to Boost Jobs in First Post-Poll Budget
G20 Ministers Discuss Digital Tax as US Tariff Threat Looms
Global IT Outage Hits Airlines, Microsoft, Media, Huge List of Firms
A European Push Could Help India Fill Carbon Removal Gaps
India Plans 12 Power Plants Near Disputed Northeastern Frontier
India Solar Output Slowest in 6 Years Amid Scorching Heatwave
India ‘Asks Utilities to Order $33bn in Gear to Lift Coal Output’
India’s Surging Economy at Risk From Severe Water Shortages
Global Banks Slash Investment Units in China Amid Slowdown – FT
Surge in Indian Equity Capital Market Deals Seen Continuing
Japan Hits 11 Firms, 5 States with Ukraine Sanctions – Nippon

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