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Latest News: Server Chips

Shock Reversal on Cloud Unit Wipes $20bn Off Alibaba Shares
Tencent to Turn to Chinese Chips as US Bans Risk Cloud Service
Arm’s Pricey Valuation Under the Scanner as Revenues Look Soft
China’s Top Chipmaker Sees Third-Quarter Profit Plunge 70%
Nvidia May See $5 Billion Hit From Early China Chip Curbs – WSJ
Nvidia to Stop Some AI Chip Exports to China Immediately
ASML Employee Who Stole Chip Secrets ‘Went to Work at Huawei’
US Curbs Set Off Sales, Tech Boom for China Chip Equipment Firms
Mild Recovery in China Chip Imports Ahead of New US Curbs – SCMP
Samsung Set For 80% Profit Dive as Chip Glut Bites: Analysts
US to ‘Indefinitely Extend’ China Chip Waivers For South Korea
US Moves to Block China Benefitting From $52bn Chips Funds

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