The baht was one of two Asian currencies to rise on Tuesday, but businesses in Thailand are closely watching the vote for a new PM, which will be held in parliament on Thursday.
On Tuesday, the EU voiced concerns over China's planned curbs on exports of some gallium and germanium products and expressed doubts that the move was related to national security
The facility is China's biggest green hydrogen plant and has the capacity to produce 20,000 metric tonnes a year, which will be produced using solar power to split water into hydrogen and oxygen
China is set to double its renewable power capacity years ahead schedule, but most new capacity is not connected to local energy networks because of the country's old and inflexible power grid
The Indian government is drafting a plan for large subsidies for companies that can help it make battery storage systems to enable the transition to clean energy sources
US automaker could sell 155,000 cars in China during April to June, up 13% from its record first quarter, but local rivals may have cut the group's market share, analysts say
The Reserve Bank of India said the country's current account deficit stood at $1.3 billion or 0.2% of GDP in January to March, the fourth quarter of 2022/23 fiscal year
The yuan has slid more than 4% against the dollar so far this year, while policymakers in Japan are also considering their options to fix the yen's rapid and one-sided plunge
The two countries signed agreements on computer chips, tech, critical minerals, space cooperation, plus defence and cooperative arrangements aimed at countering China's influence
Yellen says the World Bank and global development banks should be reformed to become more efficient before being given more funds to help poor nations counter climate change
Technological advances have helped lithium-iron-phosphate batteries edge past EV batteries made of nickel and cobalt, experts say
New energy vehicles purchased in 2024 and 2025 will be exempted from purchase tax of up to 30,000 yuan per vehicle, and half of that for purchases in 2026 and 2027