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Google, Microsoft, Intel to Study AI-Related Job Losses – WaPo

The study comes at a time when fears are mounting of widespread job losses across a multitude of industries, ranging from Hollywood to web development

An AI sign is seen at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) in Shanghai, China
An AI sign is seen at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC) in Shanghai, China. Photo: Reuters.


Some of America’s biggest technology companies are forming a group to study how artificial intelligence (AI) might fuel job losses in the industry, according to a report by the Washington Post.

The study is being led by cloud computing leader Cisco and will be joined by several other tech giants, including Google, Microsoft, IBM, chipmaker Intel and consultant Accenture, WaPo reported. It will also involve two key American labour unions, the report added.

The study comes at a time when fears are mounting of widespread job losses across a multitude of industries, ranging from Hollywood to web development. A post-Covid slowdown has also led tech layoffs to skyrocket, with firms like IBM, Microsoft and Google cutting hundreds of thousands of jobs since last year.

Read the full report: The Washington Post


  • Vishakha Saxena


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Vishakha Saxena

Vishakha Saxena is the Multimedia and Social Media Editor at Asia Financial. She has worked as a digital journalist since 2013, and is an experienced writer and multimedia producer. As a trader and investor, she is keenly interested in new economy, emerging markets and the intersections of finance and society. You can write to her at [email protected]


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