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Latest News: Asia

ADB Slashes Growth Forecasts for China, Asia Economy
Wickremesinghe Voted President in Sri Lanka, IMF Vows Help
More Airlines in Asia Tap Sustainable Jet Fuel – Nikkei
Sri Lanka on Emergency Alert Ahead of President Vote
Sri Lanka President Resigns by Email Amid Economic Crisis
Panasonic to Invest $4 Billion in Kansas EV Battery Plant
Sri Lanka President Flees, Protesters Storm PM’s Office
Asian Markets Fall Amid Concern on Covid, US Rate Hikes
US, IEA Ask Asia to Cut Reliance on China, Russia For Energy
Sri Lanka’s Gotabaya to Resign After Chaos, PM’s Office Says
Climate Change Controversy Banker Quits HSBC
Bond Market Volumes Drop as Asia Firms Turn to Bank Loans

AF China Bond