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Latest News: Cyber Security

Malaysia Warned by US, EU Over Huawei 5G Role Bid – FT
China’s Anti-Espionage Law Adds to Foreign Business Concerns
China Seeking Ways to Take Out or Control Enemy Satellites
US Sanctions Trio in China Tied to North Korean Hackers, ICBMs
China Focused on Global Tech Dominance, UK Spy Chief Warns
Surveillance Fear as China Restarts Work on Fifth Antarctic Base
Swag of Brazil-China Trade Deals Signed During Lula Visit
Russia Says China Agreed to Sell Weapons: US Leak – WaPo
Beijing Unveils Sweeping Laws to Regulate ChatGPT-Like AI Tech
Tesla Facing US Lawsuit Over Alleged Privacy Intrusion
Baidu Sues Apple, App Developers Over Ernie Bot Imposters
China Telecoms to Fund ‘Rival’ $500m Undersea Cable to Asia

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