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Latest News: Nuclear

State Funding Puts China ’15 Years Ahead of US’ in Nuclear Power
US Asks China to Declare AI Will Never Control Its Nuclear Arms
Fusion Startup Says It Surpassed Heat of Sun’s Core – Recharge
AI Model Boosts Scientists’ Nuclear Fusion Energy Dream – IS
Japan Earthquake Shatters Tourist Town’s Post-Covid Recovery
Japan PM Kishida’s Sushi Stunt Amid Fukushima Water Row – Yahoo
Japan’s Self-Defence Forces to Guard Nuclear Plants – Nikkei
Japan Turns Back to Nuclear Power in Historic Shift – AP
West Risks Accidental Nuclear War With China, UK Says
Nuclear Mini-Reactors Might Make More Waste – New Scientist
Japan to Allow Fukushima Water to Be Pumped into Sea
Commodities Up On Russia Nuclear Alert, Sanctions Supply Fears

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