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Latest News: Space

China Plans to Land its First Taikonauts on the Moon by 2030
Chinese Hackers ‘Spying on Critical US Services, Guam’
South Korea Halts Space Rocket Take-Off Hours Before Launch
China’s Supersonic Drone Spotted at Anhui Base – Defense News
China Raids Capvision Amid Crackdown on Due Diligence Firms
China’s Secret Spacecraft Returns to Earth After 9 Months
China Cool on ‘Interfering’ NATO’s Plan for an Office in Japan
Spy Satellite Images Reveal Mystery Chinese Airship – CNN
China Plans Satellite Network for Deep Space Exploration
China Seeking Ways to Take Out or Control Enemy Satellites
China Says ‘Unforeseen’ Dust Pile-Up Behind Idle Mars Rover
China to Send Up Asteroid Probe, Explore Comet in 2025

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